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Start Nursery A-Wurf


Our PhoeNaniAs will enrich the Beardie world at the end of August! Proud parents are:

DtJCH, DtCH Eddy´s Master´s Cream Chiccolino & ÖCH, ClubCH Great Phoebe of Charlie´s Dogs

The proud parents of our PhoeNaniAs

We are too happy and full of Joy about our first litter! With pleisure we will keep you informed almost every day. Starting with..

31 July 2013

Phoebe is doing great... She is (and will be even more) full of life and happyness!


03 August 2013

The Heat is on! The heat is almost unbearable, yet Phoebe is always looking for cuddles and even more attention. She does not only melt our hearts ...Also Phoebe shows already a few motherly curves and her milk bar grows. In a couple of days we will change Phoebes meals from once to twice daily and she will frequently enjoy her cottage cheese.Now we truely hope that you keep cool in these tropical temperatures and yet feel the heat for the upcoming birth our PhoeNaniAs. By for now....

08 August 2013
The whelping box is already set up and Phoebe is already testing it for comfort. Even though we still have a few days time, the anticipation for our A´s is too big. Furniture has been moved, a comfy chair has been put next to the box, a cozy place to sleep for us has been set up and blankets, etc. have also been (and will again) washed. On the weekend we will bring even more colour into our lifes and will "pimp up" the whelping box. Photo soon to follow ...

15 August 2013
The whelping box had a "healthy" make over! The former dining room has been transformed into a nursery and we are eagerly awaiting the birth of our A's. Phoebe is pretty laid back and is sometimes wondering, what the excitement is all about. Her food (fresh meat) has been increased and Phoebe is for sure very happy about it. The countless cuddles espacially from Nana, enjoys Phoebe every day and thus our nursery transformed into a wonderful "cuddlery". The countdown is on...
19 August 2013
Only 6 days until the long-awaited 56th day! Then the puppies are hopefully well developed enough to enrich the Baerdie world. Still, we do not expect the puppies before the end of August . But the tension is rising daily. Phoebe is now starting to become a bit restless. We also began to feed her three times daily. Phoebe also drinks a lot more and starts building her nests. Unfortunately, not in the litter box. My daughters bed, as well as the garden, are the preferred "Digging holes" from Phoebe. I also would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to lovely Bearded Collie friends and breeders, who always give me advice and assistance. Being there for each other is just great!
The next update might be probably shortly before the birth of our A´s. Now we must relax, that we can welcome our PhoeNaniAs on earth with full energy, more joy, and especially a lot of love!
26 August 2013
Phoebe is doing very well. It will not be long anymore until we finally welcome Phoebe's wonderful puppies on earth. The next news will already tell the babies .....
29 and 30 August 2013
Happy Beardieday!
Double joy and happiness has filled our nursery. Phoebe gave birth to two wonderful Beardies on 29 August 2013! Brother and sister are doing very well, aswell as the proud mom. Photos to follow! More update under Boy & Girl.
05 September 2013
The A's are one week young!

Phoebe and the puppies are doing very well! The puppies gained much weight, to be strengthened for many future adventures. We are very proud of our little, big Beardie family. Currently, the two are still nameless, but that will change soon.

More photos of the siblings under Boy & Girl.
12 September 2013
Our A's are 2 weeks young! More than 2 kg of happiness and love came to our lives! Of course we wanted to take many photos of this weekly birthday. Unfortunately, the camera's battery failed and Phoebe made ​​us to stop being a Paparazzi aswell. Thus, only these three (sorry, blurry) pictures of our brother and sister with their mom were taken. The girl is affectionately called "terror crumbs" because she already had to loudly protest against her brother at the milk bar. Mr. Big (our great guy) is satisfied if the tap never runs dry and he can enjoy a cozy nap afterwards. "Crumb" also started looking at us with her black, beautiful eyes. Mr. Big dares just a brief look into his big, wide world. The naming of our beloved puppies will take time, because we want to find the perfect name for both of them. Nomen est omen! And who witnessed brother and sister will know, how hard it is to find the right, rocking name ...
19 September 2013
Phoebe's puppies are "already" 3 weeks young. Unfortunately, there are no current photos, but it will not last much longer. A dear friend and amateur photographer visited us today. Thank you Julia Ehmann, for your respectful approach to Phoebe and the puppies. Thank you aswell for the beautiful photos, you have been taken. As soon as I received these pictures, I'll be happy to share them with you. Because the siblings developed magnificently and exceed all / our expectations. But you can see for yourself .. very soon!
And here are the first pictures already! More to come ...
02 October 2013
Time goes by too fast! Our royal children will be 5 weeks "old" tomorrow. But only now do I have some spare time to publish great photos of our Annie and Barbu (at the "age" of 21 days). However, I can promise improvement on that and soon there are actual pictures of our royal family. Individual performances of Phoebes children under boy and girl. See you soon ...
15 October 2013
Time goes by too fast! Annie and Barbu (the Posh names are still not sure) are already 6.5 weeks young! Our dear friend Julia Ehmann has spared some time and took lovely pictures of our Royal puppies. Again, thank you so much, Julia! Here is the first pic of the "photo shoot" ... Of course, we wait for more photos and hope to be able to present them under Boy&Girl very soon. Until then Phoebe's puppies will continue to keep us on our toes and loudly demanding their attention. But we take it as our mommy Phoebe ... with a happy and loving smile!
25 October 2013
Our A's are 8 weeks young! Today we had to (and wanted to) introduce our puppies to the vet . Of course, Phoebe could not be left behind and so we went for the first time with mom and her puppies for a quite long distance car ride. While Annie slept relaxed next to her mom , Barbu was not excited about this "driving around in the vehicle". As soon as we have arrived at the vet, Barbu felt immediately better ... Not knowing what he was expecting there. Barbu and Annie were examined by our veterinarian very thoroughly . Eyes , ears, nose and especially the teeth were very carefully controlled. They were literally checked " from the top of the nose to the bottom of their paws ." With the result that everything is more than excellent . Moreover, Barbu is also a complete man , and thus he took vaccination and chipping, like a real guy. Very confident and relaxed. While I could not look at vaccination and chipping, so Annie showed me that this necessary " stuff" is not a big deal . Conclusion: " The siblings were 100% braver than i was" . Our vet also said that he got to know two perfectly healthy and superb Puppies. We knew that .... but to get this confirmed from a veterinary point of view , is simply beautiful !
11 November 2013
Annie and Barbu are now 10,5 weeks young! We will close now our "A-litter" page, as the siblings will enrich in the future our HP with many stories and would like to share their adventures with you. Annie will take her part under "Our DOGs", while Barbu will obtain as a "roving reporter" his own column. More about this very soon ....
